
The Cultural Consequences of Negative Interest Rates

The Cultural Consequences of Negative Interest Rates Negative interest rates are now entrenched reality in Europe, and not just for buyers of sovereign or corporate debt — even retail savings accounts are affected. What does this mean for real people trying to save for retirement? And, more broadly, what does it mean for Europe culturally? Not to mention America, since Alan Greenspan tells us negative rates are coming here soon?

Our guest Rahim Taghizadegan from the independent Viennese Scholarium joins the show to discuss the anti-economics of negative rates. He is co-author of a new book titled 'The Zero Interest Trap'. He is also a co-author of 'Austrian School for Investors'.

Interview,Interest Rates,Saving,Investing,Wages,Consumerism,Debt,Spending,Culture,Banking,Europe,Euro,EU,Brexit,Negative Interest Rates,ECB,European Central Bank,Economics,Austrian School,Austrian Economics,Mises Institute,LvMI,Jeff Deist,Rahim Taghizadegan,Human Action Podcast,Mises Weekends,Dollar,Pound,Vienna,

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