from HRI Lab, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
The hardware CAD files are upload in the [An Open-source Anthropomorphic Robot Hand System: HRI Hand](
And the firmware files are upload in the [HRI-hand-firmware](
Our robot hand system is developed with a focus on the end-effector role of the collaborative robot manipulator.
Since the proposed robot hand imitated the human hand, the four fingers, excluding the thumb, consist of distal interphalangeal(DIP), proximal interphalangeal(PIP), metacarpophalangeal(MCP) joints. And it is composed of under-actuated mechanism and can realize 3 degrees of freedom movement with one motor.
The thumb part consists of interphalangeal(IP), metacarpophalangeal(MCP), Carpometacarpal(CMC) joint, and operates MCP and CMC joint with two motors. The motor is controlled based on the control signal received by the Micro-Controller Unit (MCU) via Bluetooth communication.