Having a hearing problem at the best of times can be difficult, and rather stressful in loud or busy situations. So, Christmas can be very challenging, especially as often there is lots going on and rather a lot of people.
For me most of the time, those closest to me are fantastic and make sure they look at me when there talking to me in loud situations and are really understanding especially when there is lots going on. But please don’t think I have a problem taking things in, in these situations that’s not what I am trying express, the problem is that sounds seems to flow into one and the sounds aren’t clear for me to hear or differentiate different people talking or sounds occurring, most of the time with those around me there quick to support me and it’s fine, it’s only the very rare moment someone may forget but then are quick to support me when they realise I haven’t heard or been able to follow a conversation.
When I haven't heard something I usually try to smile and nod, I’ve fallen down on this many times and people have realised that I wouldn’t have smiled and realise I haven’t heard them, then they take the time to tell me again, as you can imagine it’s a bit of talent if you get it right or not when trying to act you’ve heard something, when you actually haven’t. My parents, nan (used to be sadly things are different now with her illness) and brothers are brilliant support at this, and often I try to turn it into a joke.
I’m fine two or three people at a push four but anymore and I need someone to be aware, things hearing wise can become tricky, so large functions can be tricky for me and I am sure anyone who has a hearing problem will also understand.
If I don’t ever hear something, or have misheard something or someone usually just a quick “sorry I didn’t quite hear you…” and before I finish the sentence those around me are quick to embed me into the conversation and bring me up to speed on what I may have missed. With that said that’s brilliant but I do get stressed and worried when I miss hear things and it can happen often, of course my hearing aids help this but not completely as it is not natural sound.
Here in this clip, with the Christmas season as busy as ever I have been forced to take a small step back after a issue of not feeling so well around my head, possibly hearing and balance I believe takes hold of me. It really stirs some thoughts up so I decided to talk through these, why not take a look…
Christmas is so special, and there’s always lots to do so it’s important to take care of yourself, so stay healthy and merry Christmas!!!
Don't worry I'll be back to Christmas, Christmas, Christmas! in no time at all... Take care and thank you for watching.