Nou vle remèsye Frederson Joseph ak nenpòt lòt moun ki te enplike nan pèfòmans orijinal la ak konpozisyon nan bèl chante sa a! Nou renmen pèp ayisyen an! E nou rekonesan pou moun ki te kreye bèl mo ak mizik chan sa a. Pou nou, li se yon lapriyè Bondye Papa nou an beni nou tout ak delivre nou, pitit li yo.
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(“Deliver Us / Delivrans Ou Nou Bezwen” is not included on this album)
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“Delivrans Ou Nou Bezwen" (Papa Bondye) written by Frederson Joseph
Vocals by Elenyi
Cayson Renshaw: Guitar
Audio Recording: Chance Clift
Video Produced Carola & Matt Miller
Filmed by Matt Miller
Video Edited by Carola Miller
Delivrans Ou
Delivrans Ou
Nou Bezwen
Nou Bezwen
Delivrans Ou
Delivrans Ou
Nou Bezwen
Nou Bezwen
Papa Bondye,
men pitit ou yo
Kape relew
Vin delivre Yo
Father, God
We are your children
Im calling out to you
Please deliver them
There are people all around us
Who need help
But I can’t help them all
Senye men vev
ak ofelen yo
visite yo papa
vin pran swen yo
Men prizonye
inosan yo
You’re the one
who can free them all
Father God
We are your children
im calling out to you
Please deliver them
Papa Bondye,
men pitit ou yo
Kape Relew
Vin Delivre Yo
Senye, men moun yo
rejete yo
Manman pitit,
De bra pandye (pan-dyeh) yo
Papa Bondye,
men pitit ou yo
Kape Relew
Vin Delivre Yo
Please deliver us
Deliver us
We need you
We need you
Delivrans Ou
Delivrans Ou
Nou Bezwen
Nou Bezwen