Today is #InternationalYouthDay where we celebrate the young leaders helping our communities at a grassroots and global level - the inspiring individuals who have the power to lead the future, and are moving the needle every single day.
As President and Vice-President of The @Queens_Commonwealth_Trust (QCT) – an initiative that champions, funds and connects Commonwealth youth leaders working to change the world - The Duke and Duchess hope to shine a light on a few of these change making young leaders of the QCT, who are doing amazing things - not because they have to, but because they want to - a choice we all have in life.
#DYK The Queen is Head of the Commonwealth, an international organisation spanning every geographical region, religion and culture.
🌍53 member countries
✳️A population of more than 2 billion people - 60% of which are under the age of 30.
Today is #WorldElephantDay and we are pleased to announce that since we followed our friends at @ElephantswithoutBorders (EWB) on Instagram in July, when we were celebrating the environment, you and our friend @TheEllenFund (@TheEllenShow) have spread the word and EWB have been able to help protect 25 elephants by fitting them with satellite navigation collars!
#internationalyouthday #worldelephantday #queenelizabeth