
20191203 1530 LZR Kopan - Everything comes from the mind. How to have lamrim realizations 2|5

20191203 1530 LZR Kopan - Everything comes from the mind. How to have lamrim realizations 2|5 Rinpoche began the teaching explaining that there is no real I, action, object, enemy, friend, in reality these are all empty, they do not exist from their own side. There is no phenomena which is not empty, there is no phenomena which exists. I is created by the mind and all phenomena are created by the mind. The negative imprints are piled up and decorate or project truly existent, that everything is existing from its own side, then we believe that it is 100% real. This is what we have been believing in from beginningless rebirths. If you don’t practice dharma and don’t realize emptiness then again, even you have this perfect human rebirth now, but we waste it, not realizing emptiness, which is what eliminate the root of samsara – ignorance. If you don’t eliminate ignorance then you have to suffer again endlessly. After being merely labeled, things should appear back to you as merely labelled by the mind, but they don’t. This only happens to those who are in equipoise meditation, for all others it all appears as real. Lama Tsongkhapa asked Manjrushri how to achieve lamrim realizations and Manjrushri said first thing is to purify obstacles and then collect merit. Rinpoche said even though there are so many methods for purifying and collecting merits but the most powerful one is fulfilling the gurus wishes and advice. Then also one pointedly requesting the guru and receiving the gurus blessings. When these things come together than even one doesn’t do much meditation but suddenly your mind wakes up, it clicks, you can realize emptiness. When you realize emptiness, there is nothing to cherish, nothing to hold on to, like the aggregates that we cherish so much. This is how the lamrim meditations work and if you do them correctly then realizations can happen very easily in your mind.


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