While addressing devotees in Ramanashram, one of the Bhagavan devotees quoted Sri Nannagaru and said: 'Nannagaru has not seen Bhagavan in flesh and blood'. Sri Nannagaru in his anugrahabhaashana referred to the same and replied thus: ' It is right. I have not seen Bhagavan physically. But I have no regrets of not having seen him in flesh and blood. Before Bhagavan's nirvana, a devotee asked him: 'Your body is about to die. Who is going to shower Grace upon us?' Bhagavan replied this question in a nice beautiful sentence: 'Even when this body is alive, it is not this body which is showering Grace upon you. Whoever is showering Grace upon you continues to exist even after this body's death. That which showers Grace (ie Self) is deathless'. The relationship with Guru is not of a single birth. Bhagavan said: 'Did we meet here without any previous birth's relationship? Wont this current relationship ensure that we will meet again in future?' Until the differentiating faculty, ego sense and ignorance get completely annihilated, we keep receiving Guru's grace. The relationship with the Guru is not lost even after our body's death. Restricting the Guru to a physical body is equivalent to insulting him. If we think that Bhagavan doesn't exist now, we are insulting Him. Bhagavan exists now. He is very much alive. It is irrelevant whether Bhagavan's body is alive or not'.
(Source 1st Sep 1996 Arunachalam minute 34 -36)