
DermEngine | Opt-Out info for Patients

DermEngine | Opt-Out info for Patients Many of DermEngine’s tools are powered by artificial intelligence (AI), which means that the algorithms have the ability to get smarter from the de-identified patient data it processes so it can better support clinical decisions over time for enhanced care.

If you do not want to have these smart features learn from the information collected by your doctor during your consultation, we offer you the possibility to “opt out”. This means that DermEngine won’t be able to use your de-identified data, and the system’s smart features will be deactivated for any medical information concerning your case.

We’d like to answer your important questions about how our algorithms learn, along with what role you as a patient play in this collective initiative for a brighter future.

To learn more about how you can opt out, visit


To learn more, we encourage you to contact us at

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