Hey Guys,
How brave are we feeling today? Can you guys open up and tell me what confidence means to you? I'll be asking a few of you to send me clips for a future video so please please don't be shy today! I'm really excited to share this video about confidence! I will be inviting everyone from models you may know, just about all of my friends, and a few strangers onto the channel to open up and talk about self-esteem, confidence, self-image, and body positivity.
Life isn't always easy and there are so many things going on around us that can bring us down, make us unhappy, or just cause us pain emotionally. We've all been there and it's okay because that's what my mother called "being human". Do you have someone in your life that's there for you?
I want everyone to feel like they belong, because we do. I'd love for this channel to be place for everyone to feel safe and invited. So I'm asking each and everyone of you to share more love, if you see someone's comment about their struggles, send them love, if you see a friend having a bad day, give them a hug, and if you are having a rough day don't be afraid to share your feelings. WE ARE NOT ALONE!
This is the start of a new series about ourselves. If you have any ideas on what I should ask and who you'd like to see on my channel let me know.
I hope you guys enjoy this video and are excited for what's the come! If you haven't subscribed yet hit that subscribe button, you know you want too! Also, remember I'll be needing some help for some upcoming videos so let me know what confidence means to you!
I love you all!
Don't Forget to follow me on instagram: @sannevloet
My Friends
Don Diablo - @dondiablo
Megan Williams- @meganmayw
Wouter Peelen- @wouterpeelen1
Anna Nooshin- @annanooshin
Help me translate my video into your language!