
intro Unit 1: Limitations of Conventional Endodontic, Periodontic and Restorative Diagnostic Tests

intro Unit 1: Limitations of Conventional Endodontic, Periodontic and Restorative Diagnostic Tests Teaching Unit 1

Limitations of Conventional Endodontic, Periodontic and Restorative Diagnostic Tests.

Description and Content Highlights of Unit 1

The report of the Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment on the Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment in Endodontics (2012), disclosed “Extensive shortcomings in the scientific basis underlying methods applied for endodontic diagnoses and treatment.”

Along the same lines, primarily written for practicing dental hygienists, the author analyzes the conventional patient examination diagnoses methods used in endodontics, periodontics, and restorative dentistry and presents a patient examination and diagnosis protocols, which are clinical- efficient, evidence-based, and patient-centered.

Educational Objectives

1. Identify the shortcomings of the conventional diagnostic tests used in clinical Endodontic, Periodontic, and Restorative Dentistry.

2. Describe the technical and biologic limitations of the Diagnostic Imaging of Periapical, Bitewing, Panoramic Radiographs.

3. Describe the components of the evidence-based, biology- oriented best practices in Endodontic-Periodontic -Restorative diagnostic process.

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Presented By :
Marwan Abou-Rass DDS, MDS, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus,

Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry

University of Southern California

Dr. Abou-Rass brings nearly fifty years of cutting edge innovations in the fields of endodontics and dental education. His Doctorate Research pioneered the concept of teaching molar versus central teeth as the best sequence for learning endodontic skills.

In Clinical Endodontics, Dr. Abou-Rass has made several significant new concept and methodology contributions, including:

• Critical Error Approach For Clinical Performance Evaluation In Dentistry

• Stressed Pulp Concept

• Anti-Curvature Filing Method (ACF)

• 4R Operational Diagnosis Protocol (4ROD)

• The 10 Areas Of Diagnostic Interest (The10 ADI)

• Composite Post And Core Buildup Protocol

• Endodontic Treatment Finalization Protocol

• Interim Endodontic Therapy For Native Bone Regeneration Before Implant Placement

• Best Practices In Cracked Teeth Management. 13.5 Hours Master Class Series

• Advanced Diagnostics For Dental Hygiene Practice. 6 Hours. Master Class Series

In addition to his DDS, Dr. Abou-Rass holds a Master's degree in Dental Science in Prosthodontics, a certificate in Endodontics and a Ph.D., in Higher Education from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Dr. Abou-Rass served as Endodontic Department Chairman and Director of the Advanced Endodontic program at the University of Southern California, School of Dentistry (1971-2000). Dr. Abou-Rass moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 2000, where he directed the AEGD program at PAADI from 2000 to 2012. Currently a USC Professor Emeritus, a practicing endodontist and Publisher of the Abou-Rass Master Class Series in Endodontics and Dental Hygiene Education.

Dental hygienists,dental,hygiene a process of care,diagnosis for dental hygienis for dental hygienists,Endodontic,Endodontic diagnosis for dental hygienists,Warning signs,Warning signs for Dental hygiene practitioners,Radiographic,Radiographic interpretations for dental hygienist,Periodontic,Restorative Diagnostic,4R Operational Diagnosis,Dental Pain,Tooth Resorption,Endodontic Diseases,Endodontic Diseases and Treatments,Diagnostic Imaging Interpretation,Pathology,

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