
Extinction Rebellion Maine - Trial Of The Corporations

Extinction Rebellion Maine - Trial Of The Corporations Activists from Sunrise Movement, Extinction Rebellion Maine, Maine Youth Strikes, and many other orgs congregate at Portland city hall for a climate action involving speakers, a theatrical protest, and large demonstration.

Activist spoke on the government's failure to regulate corporations like nestle, cmp, biw, and monsanto and the harm they all cause. Likewise speakers noted how the states Department of Environmental Protection continually makes decisions that are harmful to the planet and as a result, peoples health. Speakers talked about water justice, indigenous sovereignty, fossil fuels, pollution and more. Led by the youth in our city, adults were challenged to join the fight against oppression, corruption, exploitation, and corporate greed. All speakers present touched on the countless wrongs perpetrated against Maines first nations, and how we must strive to respect their sovereignty and cease practices that decimate their lands and violate their rights as well as treaties held with them. The speakers culminated with a declaration of rebellion by local XR members. Stating that it is the duty of citizens to disobey unjust laws and push back when a government fails to protect its citizens. All present resolved to do what it takes to finally make large measurable steps towards environmental justice.

This action saw a coming together of young people and adults in addition to the numerous groups present. After the speakers, XR did its second theatrical protest in the city. Holding a "mock trial" for 4 corporations currently causing immense issues in the state, and the DEP for permitting it. CMP for permitting a disastrous corridor to begin construction through the Maine wilderness powered by dirty hydroelectric power from Quebec. They have disregarded the wishes of the first nations and front line communities affected in Maine and Canada, and still persist in misinforming the public despites 2 other states rejecting it after decrying it as a scam that doesn't produce any 'clean energy'. BIW for continuing to participate in the construction of military equipment that results in astronomical amounts of global pollution. Monsanto for continuing to market toxic pesticides that are sprayed aerially in the state and continuing to market GMO foods to the detriment of human health. Nestle for its culpability in global water shortages, privatizing local groundwater and leaving countless communities in despair. Lastly, the Maine DEP for permitting these acts, as well as allowing drinking water to contain lead, fluoride, and other heavy metals. The DEP also made this list for failing to intervene in the roll out of 5G technology, and failing to act when federal EPA authorities found the many oil containers in South Portland to be emitting twice the permitted amounts of volatile organic compounds. They have also allowed many corporations to violate the clean water act without penalty.

Last, all groups staged a 10 minute "lie in". This style of protest is normally termed a "die in", but many youth organizers did not wish to distress their classmates who struggle with depression. They chose to adjust the name so that everyone could be comfortable. Many young people are involved in the local movement called The Yellow Tulip Project which aims to smash the stigma surrounding mental illness and build community support for those struggling. Activists carried this out for several minutes and sang while several other organizers thanked everyone for participating.

#ExtinctionRebellion #FridaysForFuture #NoBlackSnake #NoCMPcorridor #ShutDownKingCONG,

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