
The Heel Position, For Loose Lead Walking

The Heel Position, For Loose Lead Walking The Heel Position. Far too often I see people and trainers ‘correcting’ dogs for pulling or not being in the right place but these people NEVER teach the dog where they actually want the dog to walk!! Now there are lots of different techniques to teach our pups to walk nicely on a lead, BUT I always start by teaching dogs where I want them to walk, The Heel Position! When I KNOW that my dog knows where the heel position is I can reinforce him when he is there OR if the dog starts to pull I can stop 🛑 and say, Nope!
Tension on the lead = STOP 🛑
Loose lead&Heel Position = Go ✅
Dogs respond differently to different techniques, Add The Heel Position to your loose lead walking armoury!

dogtraining,dog,heel,position,stop your dog from pulling,how to stop,how to stop your dog from pulling on the lead,dog trainer,canine coach,the canine coach dog training,

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