
Day 5 Video Challenge- Be the Gift You Truly Be

Day 5 Video Challenge- Be the Gift You Truly Be Are you holding back on who you truly be for all the various reasons:

-You're scared
-You don't want to stand out from others
-People might judge you
-You've never stopped to think about what you truly want
-You don't deserve happiness

And on and on and on....

What if you could be the gift you truly be? What would the world look like if we were all being true to ourselves?

Life is too damn short to be anything but happy!

What do you truly desire? If you could do anything you wanted, what would that be? What would it take for you to go after that, to be in allowance of yourself....

Start now, today. Pick one thing you've always wanted to do but were too scared to do. And choose it, today! See what happens. What have you got to lose?

#relentlessprofitvideochallenge #day5 #bewild #becrazy #bewacky #beyou #lettheworldseewhoyouare #embracethemagicofsimplicity

Krista alexander,Relentless profit video challenge,

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