
First attempt at racing drone gate recognition

First attempt at racing drone gate recognition This is ArduPilot flying a racing drone in RealFlight9 with very simplistic code to do gate recognition. The recognition is very simplistic, and doesn't do very well. This is primarily to test the framework for trying better algorithms.
Code is here:
It places a red triangle around the left/right gate markers when it finds them. There are plenty of examples of both false positives and false negatives in this video.
It also shows just how hard this will be without the autopilot having a good idea of the course layout, as some of the turns result in only seeing the gate for a fraction of a second at a strange angle before we need to go through the gate.
It also highlights just how impressive good human pilots are. They would get through this course a lot faster than ArduPilot does in this example.
In case you want to try improving the recognition yourself, the image data for this video is here:


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