►This Video Shows: How to Counter Enemy with Max All Armor Reduction Lifestealer Build & Combo with Slardar Ultimate, Easy Destroy Everyone in Just 2 Hits.
► I include in the video all information you need such as item build, skill build, how to play, map awareness and every single details you should know to be a better player in DotA...
I also changed the terrain of the game to make it looks better!
Dota 2 has 117 heroes, it's not easy to learn, so be sure to focus every move in this video.
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► What Do I Record and Edit Video with ? I Record with OBS Studio and edit the video with Premier, Resolve, Sony Vegas Pro 15, Adobe After Effect and of course Thumbnail with Photoshop.
I Spend a lot of Time to Edit, so You Better Like This Video :)
➥➥➥ What is Dota 2 ? and where to download it ? ➥➥➥
Dota 2 is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. The game is a sequel to Defense of the Ancients, which was a community-created mod for Blizzard Entertainment's Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion pack, The Frozen Throne.
Initial release date: July 9, 2013
Developer: Valve Corporation
Designer: IceFrog
Genre: Multiplayer online battle arena
Publisher: Valve Corporation
Engine: Source 2
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➡️Every Details About the Hero in This Tutorial
►Hero: N'aix, the Lifestealer, is a vicious melee strength hero whose abilities give him the power to bring down durable heroes quickly, while sustaining his health by leeching the very life of his enemies.
The main role of the Lifestealer is to fulfill the job of a formidable carry, he is able to do so by restoring his life through his abilities. Feast is his passive ability and his signature, every attack he lands consumes the flesh and blood of his victim, dealing bonus physical damage while regenerating his own health. With Feast, he can munch down strong tanks. N'aix can send himself into a bloody Rage, increasing his attack speed, while granting a short period of spell immunity. Open Wounds tears the enemy, causing the prey's wounds to open, bleeding their life essence, allowing Lifestealer and his allies to feast down as well as greatly slowing them to a crawl. Rage and Open Wounds allows Lifestealer to brutally rip his victim apart, feasting on their health in the process. When in need, N'aix can use Infest to hide himself inside his allies or any non-hero unit, laying dormant, until he is ready to come out, devouring the flesh from the inside, killing the non-hero unit, bursting out the chunks of flesh and bones of his unfortunate host, damaging foes around him and ambushing them with carnivorous savagery.
The Lifestealer is a monstrous beast of gluttony and greed, bent on stealing the lives of every living creature he encounters, violently killing them to sate the Lifestealer's terrifying thirst and hunger.
#Lifestealer #MaxArmorReduc #2HitDeleted