
Expert Consensus is Typically Wrong

Expert Consensus is Typically Wrong Experts work very hard to make a mark for themselves in their professions. And when they join together they can compare notes and try to get an idea of the bigger picture. They can... come to a consensus. But often that consensus is not only wrong, it's SPECTACULARLY wrong. And whether it's malice on the part of the leadership, or a fear on the part of rank-and-file individual specialists of being considered a crank -- or a mixture of both -- this is a major problem that needs to get fixed. But first: it needs to be acknowledged.

The following are three examples of such catastrophes. The first two I've covered extensively in hours of video. The third is my new research project.


The Bible has been used to terrorize gay men for centuries. Even worse, it’s still used today to poison the fellowship between gay and straight Christians.

But the entire "Biblical case against homosexuality" is a fraud; which in the Old Testament was constructed wholesale out of passages clearly talking about cult prostitution. This fraud continues to poison our social and political discourse today.

Happily, thanks to the internet, non-specialists like us can actually work though the original Greek and Hebrew passages and figure it out for ourselves.


The Yamna, living in modern-day European Russia, swooped into Central and Eastern Europe 4,000 years ago; carrying the Indo-European language with them. And the bubonic plague. Decades of archaeology combined with the latest technology — which has allowed us to look at the actual DNA of many of the invaders and their descendants — has established that beyond doubt.

Meanwhile, my ancestors are living happily in Cappadocia — the south central region of modern-day Turkey. They're surrounded by mountains and people who do not speak Indo-European languages. And they're speaking the oldest Indo-European language documented so far. In fact it's so old that many experts think it's ultimately derived from PRE-Indo-European. This has also been confirmed by archaeology and DNA.

So. Are we speaking their language or are they speaking ours? Because it's one or the other. The vast majority of linguists insist it's the first. But that's impossible. And to prove it, all I have to do is show you a map.


Everyone believed for millennia that Moses wrote the Pentateuch — the first five books of the Bible — in the 15th century BC during the Middle Bronze Age. But by working through the divine names of Israel’s God, scholars believe they’ve demonstrated that the Pentateuch was actually pulled together from independant threads of tradition well into the Iron Age. Almost a thousand years after Moses.

The divine names in question are: El and YHWH. The first used by the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The second revealed to Moses.

But we know from archaeology that El is the Sky Father. Meanwhile, the earliest Psalms dedicated to YHWH clearly indicate he’s a thunder god. His rivalry with the Syrian thunder god Baal confirms that. Also: archaeology is confirming the ascendency of thunder gods among all the non-Egyptian contemporaries of Moses. Not only in the Middle East, but also in Greece, and the in region of Pakistan-Afghanistan. The Documentary Hypothesis completely ignores all of this.

With that in mind, I will be demonstrating over the next few months that the Pentateuch was almost certainly written by Moses, and in the Bronze Age; where the driving religious question was: “What is the relationship between the Thunder God to the Sky Father?”

The clear answer of the Pentateuch is fulfilled in the Gospels. The Thunder God IS the Sky Father. They are two persons. And yet one God.

This video can be profitably seen along side the following:

“Leo 2019 Mark 8:22-9:29”:

“…sometimes it actually is Adam and Steve”: [To be uploaded soon.]

Indo-European Language,Gilgamesh,Enkidu,Moses,Homosexuality and the Bible,Documentary Hypothesis,YHWH,Epic of Gilgamesh,

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