
10 Fashion Mistakes That Might Cost You an Attractive Girl

10 Fashion Mistakes That Might Cost You an Attractive Girl 10 Fashion Mistakes - The difference between an average girl and a really attractive girl is male competition. think in terms of 5 versus a hundred

and while all 5 of the orbiters for an average girl can be average themselves and not really have anything special about them

you better believe that out of a 100 men lusting for a really attractive girl at least 20 have their style absolutely on point

My name is Alexander Loskutkin (just Alex) and I am a successful russian pua coach going international.

I am 27 and do what I preach everyday. The day I get married would be the day I stop giving dating advice.

I coach daygame mostly because this is what I do everyday.

I offer skype coaching and live coaching, dm me on insta for that.

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