
006PJH - Joy in Attaining the Goal - Philippians 3:12-16 - Pastor Jon Hanson

006PJH - Joy in Attaining the Goal - Philippians 3:12-16 - Pastor Jon Hanson Joy in Attaining the Goal
Philippians 3:12-16

Who doesn’t have goals? We all do. We set goals when we want something, and we know that we have to work for it. Goals propel us forward. They help us to live life to the fullest.

* Not yet mature – v. 12a
- Not already attained _________
- Not already perfected _________

* Press on – v. 12b
- To know Christ more fully
- An ongoing process

* I myself– v. 13-14
- Have not apprehended (laid hold of)
- Forgetting the past
- Reaching for the future
- Press for the goal
-- The prize
-- Upward call of God in Christ

* Minds set on walking with God – v. 15-16

Timeless Truth
We cannot achieve perfection in this life. We will and do have setbacks. Regardless, we must forget what is behind us and strive for what is ahead. Our goal is to live according to the righteousness of God. Our prize is to be ready to face Christ at the Bema Seat. We, in the Church, need to live in accordance with
God’s righteousness.
Living Lesson
We all hit snags in our Christian lives. We need to move on from those things which are past and move ahead. We must live with the perspective of enduring faithfulness with our focus on the everlasting reward.

TFL,TruthfellowshipLIVE,Pastor Jon Hanson,

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