
Pantheon, the Unbreakable Spear | Champion Theme - League of Legends

Pantheon, the Unbreakable Spear | Champion Theme - League of Legends Listen to the official champion theme for Pantheon, the Unbreakable Spear, and watch some of the process behind his base and skin splash art.

Riot Games,Riot,League of Legends,League,LoL,MOBA,Pantheon champion rework,Pantheon login,Pantheon theme,Pantheon champion login,Pantheon champion song,Pantheon trailer,Pantheon music,Pantheon League,Pantheon reveal,Champion login,League of Legends Champion theme,Champ login,lol champ login,Lol login music,league champ theme,league login screen,league,Pantheon,Pantheon rework,Unbreakable Spear,Aspect of War,lol universe,

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