

GDIID 2019 | ID 42 : TRIGONOMETRY BEZIER IN 3-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN Computer-aided Geometric Design or CAGD is from in order to developed curves and surface modelling. CAGD makes much better in creation, modification, analysis and optimization design. A specific surface section can be designed in separately part and fitted together to display the total object. This project was focused on designing symmetrical 3 dimensional object to verify alternative method in designing and manipulating an object. In this paper, manipulation of the design was make based on the properties of the control point using Cubic Trigonometry Bezier with a shape parameters method using Wolfram Mathematica software. The properties of the design of this paper were taken by nearest from real design properties and converted to two-dimensional design. After the manipulation stage,the two-dimensional design will be converted to three-dimensional design using the Sweep Surface Rotation method. As known, many methods already introduce in CAGD and widely used in many type of software that generating three-dimensional design for user used. For this project, the trigonometry Bezier will be focus as alternative method for add on or implies in the software for generating three-dimensional design. This may give more option or choices for designer or user when designing their object. By doing that, user may choose to use spline or trigonometry Bezier method when generate their two-dimensional design.

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