The government of Pakistan has introduced the condition of CNIC number for the purchase of Rs 50,000 or more. This has led to the protests by the traders and they want this condition to be withdrawn.
To clarify the misconceptions about the condition, FBR issued a circular and explained the circumstances under which this condition will be applicable. The summary of the circular is as follows:
1. You have to be a registered seller/business with the sales tax to fulfill this condition.
Now if you go for shopping or purchase something from a seller who is registered with the sales tax, he can ask for your CNIC number If your bill exceeds Rs 50,000 or more.
If he is not registered, then he won't be authorized to demand CNIC.
If your purchase is less than 50,000 Then this condition will not be applicable Provided you are an ordinary consumer.
Ordinary consumer as per FBR Is a consumer who makes a purchase for his own self and not for the purpose of reselling or processing.
If you purchase is for business purpose or you are registered with the sales tax or have an NTN number, you will be required to provide CNIC Irrespective of the amount of purchase.
2. This condition is not for small and medium-sized retailers i.e the retailers who are not required to be registered with the sales tax.
The shops and the traders in local markets don't fall in this category. So you won't be asked for CNIC even if your bill exceeds Rs 50,000.
3. You are not required to be registered as a buyer.
There is no scene of filer or non-filer here. The condition to ask for CNIC for Purchase of Rs 50,000 is on seller end and for registered persons. You as a buyer are free to purchase or shop from wherever you want.
4. An ordinary consumer being a female, If she doesn't want to give her CNIC, She can provide her father/husband's CNIC number.
5. There is no burden/penalty on seller If a buyer provides a Fake ID Provided that transaction was made In good faith.
The link to the said circular is as under