
Spoken word poem about racism in New Zealand clocks half a million views

Spoken word poem about racism in New Zealand clocks half a million views ‘Yesterday I was African, today I am lost’, New Zealand student Takunda Muzondiwa tells the Auckland audience. A video of her spoken word poem about the racism she has faced in New Zealand has clocked up over half a million views. 'Maybe I was blinded by the neon sign of opportunity, failed to read the fine print that read: “assimilate or go back where you came from”.’ Her speech was part of the New Zealand Human Rights Commission annual Race Unity Speech awards where six of New Zealand’s best high school speakers addressed how race relations can be improved. She delivered a poem she wrote to ‘the man who sat behind me on the train last week who had the audacity to touch my hair without even asking’. Muzondiwa calls for educational institutions to place a greater emphasis on language, culture and history for 'the more students feel they belong in an educational context the better they perform'

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