
On Dark Energy | IAI Highlights | Erik Verlinde, Catherine Heymans, Frank Wilczek

On Dark Energy | IAI Highlights | Erik Verlinde, Catherine Heymans, Frank Wilczek What is dark energy and dark matter? We hear from Erik Verlinde, Catherine Heymans, and Frank Wilczek.

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What Is Dark Energy? | Full Debate | Erik Verlinde, Sabine Hossenfelder, Catherine Heymans

According to current theories, Dark Energy and Dark Matter make up 95% of all the stuff in the universe. Yet we still have no direct evidence for them and have no idea in what they consist. Is something radically wrong? Are the assumptions that led to the hypotheses of Dark Energy and Dark Matter mistaken? Might we need to rethink our account of the universe entirely? Or should we hold our nerve and an explanation will soon be with our grasp?
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Mysteries of the Multiverse | Full Talk | Catherine Heymans

Can we ever observe universes beyond our own? Astrophysicist Catherine Heymans reveals the latest innovations that might help map out the multiverse.
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Why Is Gravity So Elusive? | Full Debate | Frank Wilczek, Erik Verlinde, Laura Mersini-Houghton

Erik Verlinde, Frank Wilczek and Laura Mersini-Haughton debate gravity, string theory and black holes. We all think we know what gravity is. But where gravity comes from stumped Newton, and 300 years later we are no closer to an explanation. We don't even have a mathematical account of gravity that applies in all situations. Why is a force so central to the universe so elusive in its character?
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dark energy,dark matter,gravity,physics,learn,science,think,debate,nEWTON,force,universe,multiverse,verlinde,heymans,understand,why,

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