Do you use an electric dryer and need a solution to send voice notifications when the cycle is complete? Let's build a simple non-invasive DIY sensor that monitors the electrical draw from the dryer using a Wemos D1/NodeMCU, a couple resistors, capacitor and a split core current transformer. You can also apply this same project to many other electrical monitoring projects in the home.
ESPHome software segment - 10:40 -
Parts List
Split Core Current Transformer -
Wemos D1 Mini -
10µF Capacitor -
10k Resistors -
Preformed Jumpers -
Screw terminals -
Breadboard -
Alternative NodeMCU 8266 -
Alternative NodeMCU 8285 -
Wiring Diagrams and Sample YAML Files -
Sample Home Assistant Automation from the S31 Video -
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