
Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries In Art & Writing!

Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries In Art & Writing! Check out the Most MYSTERIOUS Discoveries In Art & Writing! From unexplained cyphers and codes to hidden messages found in paintings, this top 10 list of unsolved mysteries in the art world will amaze you!

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10. The Last Supper
The Last Supper, by Leonardo Da Vinci, is one of the world’s most famous artworks- and depicts arguably the most important moment between Christ and his followers. It’s long been thought that the painting contains hidden messages and codes, only clear to those who look deep enough into it. It's even been the subject of a number of fictitious stories, like the Da Vinci code, in which life-changing secrets have been revealed through this work.

9. The Nag Hammadi Library
First discovered in upper Egypt in 1945, the Nag Hammadi Library is a collection of 13 books, buried about 1,400 years ago, that included a large number of “Gnostic Gospels’. Including scriptures such as the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Philip, and the Gospel of Truth… these codices were believed to have been long destroyed, and date back to early Christian beliefs; ones that have all but been eliminated from the modern religion.

8. The Morag Texts
The Loch Ness Monster is known around the world- with people wondering if it’s just a hoax, or is there actually a large creature living beneath the surface? What you may not know, though, is that Nessie has a less well-known cousin, who’s been written about a number of times, and remains just as much of a mystery.

7. Roman Bathroom Jokes
As any archaeologist will tell you, the Romans had just as crude a humor as anyone nowadays has… just look at some of the artwork that's been found in Pompeii as an example. It's no surprise, then, that a recent find in Turkey uncovered a series of dirty jokes, this time on the walls of a Roman public bathroom.

6. The Voynich Manuscript
The Voynich manuscript was found in 1912 and has mystified researchers ever since. Dated to the 1400s, the pages are full of illustrations that show plants and stars, with a level of understanding that's far beyond what is thought possible from the time.

5. Café Terrace at Night
Café terrace at night is one of Van Gogh’s most famous paintings, but despite looking like a portrayal of an evening dinner that’s been painted in his trademark style, there are many that think there’s more going on here… with the suggestion that it’s actually depicting the last supper.

4. Witches Marks
Creswell Crags, in Nottinghamshire in the UK, is a cave that's been used for centuries by those seeking refuge. In recent years it's become a tourist attraction for those wanting to venture underground, and for a long time, it was thought that the walls were covered in a form of ancient graffiti. Recently, though, researchers have re-classified the extensive series of marks and carvings… and they are believed to have been made by witches in the 17th and 18th centuries.

3. Scheveningen Sands
Quite often, artworks that we think we understand are found to harbor secret meanings or images… and it's not uncommon for paintings to have been changed over the years to keep them in line with current tastes and values. This act of altering images is perhaps no clearer seen than in the case of Scheveningen Sands, which was painted by Hendrick van Anthonissen in 1641.

2. The Algol Star
The Algol star, also known as the demon star, is a star in the Perseus constellation and, as part of a three-star system, varies in brightness. This variation was thought to have been first recorded in 1667 by the Italian astronomer Geminiano Montanari… but the discovery of an ancient Egyptian manuscript shows that they had observed the star more than 3,000 years earlier.

1. The Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo’s paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, which depict nine different stories from the Book of Genesis, are some of the most revered pieces of art to have ever been created. He was scientifically minded, and supposedly dissected corpses in the graveyard when he was a young man, which informed his understanding of the human form and allowed him to paint his masterpieces to such a degree of realism.

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