
Are You Hiring The Right Person? Try My Employment Process!

Are You Hiring The Right Person? Try My Employment Process! ✔SUBSCRIBE✔

Hiring the right person for a role in your business is a crucial part of continued success. In this video, I outline the employment process that I use, so that you can adopt some of my strategies when it comes time for you to hire new employees.

First of all, I like to hire people who already have lots of industry experience. I generally don’t hire with the intent of training someone from the ground up.

Within the hiring pool of qualified candidates, I give each person an application that I either veto or accept. If I like an application, I invite the candidate to do a quick phone interview with me, in which I ask about their job-related experience. This initial interview is to get a sense of who they are and how suitable they might be for the position.

If I like their answers in the phone interview, I set up a call between them and my partner. My partner will ask his own questions in their separate interview and let me know what he thinks of the candidate.

Once the candidate passes the two phone interviews, I then do a sit-down interview and eventually discuss the details of the final offer.

In each of the stages of the employment process I learn a little more about the candidate and evaluate their answers. By using a multi-step process in which candidates are methodically filtered out, I give myself a better chance of hiring the right person.

To sum up, here’s the employment process I use for hiring the right person: Review resumes; conduct a brief initial phone interview; transfer the candidate to my partner for a second phone interview; and finally, for local candidates, conduct a sit-down interview in which I present a final offer.

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