
India’s Space Power: Mission Shakti, a Superb Pathshala on the Satellite Killer!

India’s Space Power: Mission Shakti, a Superb Pathshala on the Satellite Killer! All you ever wanted to know about `Mission Shakti’, a unique `pathshala’ on India’s satellite killer experiment. All your questions answered, is the debris dangerous, did the NASA chief over-react, the technicalities of the mission, to domestic politics on why Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered it; to global regimes that are out to make India a pariah state.
No doubt, India joins an elite club of four nations and India’s enemies should be worried, very worried, do not eye India’s satellites, the country can hit back with vengeance.
This unique one of kind class with the `Bhishmapitamahs’or patriarchs of New Delhi’s aerospace program. Dr V. K Saraswat, the man who laid the foundations of the Anti-Satellite Weapons Test, currently Member NITI Aayog, a missile scientist former head of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO); Dr A S Kiran Kumar, top notch satellite expert, former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the man who steered India all the way to Mars with Mangalyaan. Mr Ravi K. Gupta, chemist and former head of public awareness at DRDO and your very own `rocket chacha’, Pallava Bagla, Science Editor NDTV, Correspondent SCIENCE; photographer Getty Images. The effervescent and smiling Nelu Vyas the sutradhar of the special show and an audience of future `gagannauts’! All your questions answered in these 45 minutes!
April 7, 2019 – Rajya Sabha TV special presentation (thanks for organizing it!)

ASAT,Mission Shakti,DRDO,V K Sawarswat,A S Kiran Kumar,Ravi K Gupta,Pallava Bagla,Narendra Modi,NASA,ISRO,Satellite,Kalam Island,March 27,2019,G Satheesh Reddy,space,USA,Russia,China,India,Bay of Bengal,Sriharikota,space power,

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