
I AM ENOUGH ~ SLEEP Meditation To Help You MANIFEST Your Dream Life

I AM ENOUGH ~ SLEEP Meditation To Help You MANIFEST Your Dream Life I AM ENOUGH ~ SLEEP Meditation To Help You MANIFEST Your Dream Life

One of the secrets to manifesting what you want in life and having the motivation to pursue your dreams is having the belief that you are enough right now. Believing that you are worthy of creating the life you desire.
You see, when you feel like you are not enough or not worthy of something, you just don’t pursue it, you don’t try to attain what you want. And a lot of this is at the subconscious level. For instance, how many times have you thought of applying for a job and then looked at the requirements and thought to yourself, well I don’t have those qualities or am not capable of doing that so I shouldn’t apply for this job. Or if you want to be promoted at work and you think, well I am not smart enough, assertive enough, have enough motivation or work ethic to do what they want. Maybe I’ll try again later when I’m enough. Have you ever wanted to write a book, or create something but thought, well I’m not good enough right now so I shouldn’t even start. Maybe later The problem is, when the mind set is not good enough, there will never come a time where it will be good enough.
What about being in a wonderful loving relationship. Everyone wants this, but why is it so rare? How often have you told yourself that you are not attractive enough or have a good enough personality and therefore don’t deserve to be in a great relationship with someone you love and someone who loves you back whole heartedly.
What about money? This one is very interesting because Most people believe that because their family or friends never made much money that they aren’t good enough to be wealthy or deserve to be prosperous.
In reality, we are capable of so much more than we think, but we don’t pursue these things because we believe that we are just not good enough. And We sabotage ourselves.
Its very common to think negatively at this point and think that, you don’t want to be entitled. Because entitlement is a bad thing. Well Yes, if you believe that you deserve to earn a million dollars a year just by sitting on your butt doing nothing all day. That would be entitlement in a bad way. But, it is important to keep in mind that some entitlement is a good thing. It is a great thing.
For instance, you are entitled to breathe fresh air into your lungs every day. You are entitled to pursue to the love of your life. You are entitled to pursue wealth and prosperity. You are entitled to have a job that you love, you are entitled to pursue purpose and meaning in your life, you are entitled to be confident in yourself and who you are as a person.
So in this meditation, we will going deep into the subconscious mind to remove those negative, limiting beliefs, and replace them with the belief that you are enough, the belief that you are worthy of creating a wonderful life for yourself. all as you fall asleep. Listen nightly for 30 day for the best results.

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