Valuable Clad Half Dollars to Look For:
1971 D DDO FS-101 "T" in LIBERTY and "RST" in TRUST
1971 D DDO FS-102 "IN"
1972 P DDO FS-101 "TRUST"
1972 D No "FG"
1973 D DDO FS-101 "3" in 1973 and "TRUST"
1974 D DDO "TRUST"
1977 D DDO FS-101 "IN" and "RUS" in TRUST
1982 P No "FG"
1983 P No "FG"
These are just the main clad half dollar varieties I hunt for - obviously there are several others from clipped planchets, wrong planchets, blank planchets, rotated dies, die cracks, etc.
I hope you found the video interesting and informative. Happy hunting and stacking my friends!
Thanks for watching!
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US Coins Redbook:
Strike it Rich - Coin Errors/Varieties Book:
FYI - I've been asked about an address to send things to.
If you want, you can use this address:
Rob Finds Treasure
P.O. Box 5565
Frisco, TX 75035
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