
Twitter Is Attempting To Silence My Freedom of Speech

Twitter Is Attempting To Silence My Freedom of Speech As of December 4th I have lost the ability to use my Twitter account @rickyrebelrocks with over 39k followers, which I have been using since 2010. It has come to my attention that I have been hacked by someone who changed the email and phone number associated with my account and then created a new account using my email and phone number. This new account (recently suspended) written in Arabic, translates in English to “City Speech” as the account holder’s name.

After reaching out several times to Twitter Support, Twitter refuses to verify that I am indeed the owner of my own account @rickyrebelrocks. They are refusing to help rectify this injustice. Their only suggestion is to start over with zero followers. I believe there is a high possibility that I am being bullied and targeted for being a gay Trump supporter and having strong views on radical Islam. My last tweet before being locked out was “Radical Islam is a huge threat to the #LGBT community. I will never stop raising awareness to cancerous Radical Islam” with a link to a video depicting a gay person being physically attacked by radical Islamists.

By not giving me the opportunity to further prove that I am indeed the owner of @rickyrebelrocks, after making several efforts to work with them, they’re preventing me from using my own account. I believe that Twitter is attempting to silence my voice and censor my free speech. Instead they are leaving my account in the hands of the hacker who coincidently uses Arabic writing.”

– Ricky Rebel

@Donald J Trump

Ricky Rebel,Twitter,Censorship,MAGA,Trump,Freedom,Speech,Blocked,

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