
Trust in God. Do not Waver for God is Faithful

Trust in God. Do not Waver for God is Faithful Hebrews 10:23 (HCSB)
“Let’s hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.”
Sometimes because we fail at keeping our promise, the enemy wants us to feel that we cannot depend on God to keep his promise to us. LIAR devil! But very often this lie makes us waver as we wait upon God. Today, God wants to remind you his precious child that ...”HE who promised is faithful.” That is God never breaks a promise. The “mountain” that you are facing may seem impossible to tunnel through; the “Red Sea” in your life may seem impossible to cross; you may be having a valley experience at this very moment and the hill seems distance ahead; there may be no oasis insight in your dessert place, but God wants remind to not to waver in your trust in HIM to see you through for he is a faithful God. Therefore, he will keep his promise to you! He will tunnel through your “mountains”; he will part your “Red Sea”; he will your on the hill and he will provide that oasis in your dessert place. May God bless you tremendously and remember no more wavering.

Confession of fairh,do not waiver,god is faithful,god keeps promises,promise keeping God,Mountains will tumble,red sea part,

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