
My parents want to divorce because of my brother’s stupid dog

My parents want to divorce because of my brother’s stupid dog Hi, I'm Ashley and I live with my mom and dad and my brother Jackson. I feel like our family is kind of falling apart right now. It's kind of a strange story, but basically, me and my brother have become almost like enemies even though we still care about each other and it seems like my mom and dad have taken sides. It's so weird to feel like we are at war with each other instead of being a family. I definitely wouldn't have thought things would get so out of hand for the reason that they did. So ever since I was a little kid I've been obsessed with cats. I had stuffed animals, kitty clothes, I dressed as a cat for Halloween, all that stuff. I asked for a cat for every birthday, Christmas, probably even Columbus day. It was a little out of hand. I think my obsession drove my parents a little bit crazy, but I can't explain exactly how much I needed a cat in my life. So eventually after years of begging, pleading, and attempted bribery, on my 12th birthday my dad brought home a kitten. This was pretty much the happiest day of my life. She was orange with tiger stripes and cute little blue eyes. She was just a baby then and she was so tiny. She was perfect. I spent more time with my kitty than with my family, to be honest. I played with her in my room and cuddled with her on the couch. I got in trouble for sneaking her into school a couple of times. It was pretty intense. She became my best friend, and I named her Meeka. A couple of years later our family got a new addition. So, my brother Blake is about 3 years younger than me and I think he was kind of jealous of me and Meeka. My parents felt sorry for him so, in comes Sammy, my brother's brand new Beagle mom and dad brought home for him. Obviously I'm more of a cat person, but honestly, Sammy was pretty cute. He's got super soft fur, big brown eyes, big floppy ears and a love for licking faces. He's full of energy and loves to play. The problem is the way he likes to play typically involves terrorizing my cat. I guess he's just playing but he chases her all over the house and pounces on her whenever he gets the chance. I'm worried about him hurting her whether he means to or not. He's so much bigger than she is, she could get really hurt if he jumps on her. Not even just that, I can tell she is so scared of him. He's like 4 times her size and she can't go anywhere without him jumping out at her. Whenever I pick her up and get her away from him, I can feel her heart racing. I talked to my parents a lot about it and asked how we get him to leave my cat alone. They didn't have any answers. My dad basically said to just let the animals work it out amongst themselves. Well... One day Meeka had enough and decides to work it out herself. One day Sammy jumped out at Meeka as he always does and she went back on her hind legs and clawed his nose. She was clearly tired of his attacks. She didn't just claw him once. She kept going like right hook, left hook, pow. He yelped and cried and ran off. I didn't want to see him get hurt, but honestly, I kind of thought "good for her" and I figured maybe he would learn his lesson and stop messing with her. He did start leaving her alone for a few days, but I guess his memory doesn't last that long because then he went right back to it. When we put her outside, she would just sit by my window or the front door meowing because she wanted back in. I felt like I was abandoning my friend. Eventually, she was allowed to come back in because, really, nobody could stand listening to her meow and scratch at the doors and windows. Her time in exile from the house doesn't make things any better between her and the dog. They still fought. She clawed him a couple more times and one time when he was "playing" with her, she ended up with a hurt leg. It wasn't broken or anything but she walked a little weird for a few days because of a pulled muscle or something. At this point, they were both hurting each other and we couldn't keep going like this. The thing is, we haven't found a solution. My mom says we need to get rid of the dog which of course would be horrible for my brother. My dad wants to get rid of my cat. I don't understand how he can even say that. He knows how much she means to me and he's the one that brought her home in the first place. I guess he just likes the dog better. The crazy thing about it is now my parents are fighting about it all the time. I feel like they are going to get a divorce because our pets can't get along. The whole situation is horrible and I feel like my family is falling apart. For now, we are just trying to keep Meeka and Sammy separated as much as possible while we look for a more permanent solution. I hope we can find a compromise somehow. I can't lose my cat. She's my best friend, but I don't want my brother to lose his dog either. I don't know if we can just keep them separated or send the dog to obedience school or something. I really don't know what to do. Does anybody have any advice?


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