
Let's Help Liz Get A Handicapped Equipped Bus

Let's Help Liz Get A Handicapped Equipped Bus Let's pull together and give Lizz a better life. Click here to pitch in:
Colleen's power chair is ready to be picked up if anyone is willing and coming out to the Southwest. It's currently in Eagle Lake, Silver Springs, Maine. Her son will meet with you at the storage facility. Email me at to make arrangements. Thank you.This project is all about helping Lizz live a better life. She is one of the most selfless people I have ever met and would never ask for such a thing. Her fixed income and health constraints would make this next to impossible without us.Your contributions will make it possible to purchase her a used school bus with a wheelchair lift and all the basics to get out and live life, feel engaged with others and we are in the position to show her that we love and care about her.I truly believe that this is what life is all about.She would like to set up her sewing equipment and have a crafts area in her bus as well as a computer station for photoshop artwork (She designed the stickers and clothing art that we had at the van build)!By contributing to her cause today, we can have a positive impact to change Lizz's life and help her to give even more to others.I will be showing full transparency of where all of the donated funds go every step of the way, both by the numbers and through video as her bus is built out.I can't say enough about how grateful I would be to have your support to give Lizz a better life.Thank you!~JamieP.S.In the interests of full disclosure, Lizz lives in a trailer park outside of Phoenix, AZ. when she is not on the road. Her trailer is in varying degrees of disrepair and she has shared with me that she regularly goes several weeks at a time without speaking to anyone or any social interaction, which wears on her mentally. Her HOA fees are in excess of $4,000.00 every 6 months, which eats into her fixed income tremendously. Her plan, with our help, is to move a renter into her trailer to cover the HOA fees until such time as she is no longer able to travel and needs to move back in to be close to her doctors on a more regular basis.Lizz goes into back surgery sometime in early 2020.
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