
Kol Yisrael (We Are All Connected)

Kol Yisrael (We Are All Connected) Featuring many of the most influential and inspiring voices in the Jewish music world, this video celebrates our responsibility for one another. Composed by Ken Chasen and Yoshi Zweiback. Based on a text from the Babylonian Talmud, Shevuot 39a. Produced by Kenli Mattus.

Mah Tovu,Yoshi Zweiback,ken chasen,Rabbi Yoshi Zweiback,Rabbi Ken Chasen,Dan Nichols,Michelle Citrin,Craig Taubman,Alan Goodis,Steve Brodsky,Julie Silver,Kenli Mattus,Rick Jacobs,Reform Judaism,Jewish Music,Ellen Dreskin,Rosalie Will,Noah Aronson,Josh Nelson,Israel,shevet achim ve achayot,Josh Zweiback,URJ,Union for Reform Judaism,

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