
How to manage search terms in the new match type world

How to manage search terms in the new match type world Reported today on Search Engine Land

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How to manage search terms in the new match type world

With the ongoing changes to close variants in Google Ads, paid search marketers have had to adjust their keyword management strategies. Brad Geddes, paid search veteran and co-founder of ad testing platform AdAlysis, shared several examples of how these changes have impacted accounts and offered several tips for managing search terms in a new match type world at SMX East last month.

If you've done a lot of work in your accounts to manage the close variants changes to tightly manage keyword-to-query matching, you may have noticed that Google isn't respecting your hierarchy like it says it's supposed to. "There are so many exceptions to the rule there might as well not be a hierarchy," said Geddes.

He laid out the three primary challenges: the control that phrase match once offered is gone; Google often ignores its own hierarchy rules, resulting in duplicate queries; and there are often poor intent matches. " When google gets intent wrong," said Geddes, "you don't have a good short-term solution."

Close variants changes are causing challenges in some tightly structured accounts, said Brad Geddes at SMX East this month.

The good news, he said, is that advertisers that didn't work to address close variants in exact match are getting more impressions. E-commerce, travel and industries with a lot of similar adjectives and nouns, tend to fair well, too, he said. For e-commerce sites with the options on the product page (color, etc.), conversion rates don't really suffer. If those are at the category level, though, that can be different story, Geddes noted.

The ugly

Geddes showed many examples of less-than-ideal matching since the latest change to phrase match


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