

DECEMBER 2019 PMCH, THAT THEY MAY KNOWN THAT THERE IS A GOD IN ISREAL The Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry Power Must Change Hands Monthly Program, December Edition (Power For The Next Level)

Topic: That They May Know That There is a God in Israel

Ministering: Dr. D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)

Anchored Scriptures: 1 Samuel 17:46, 1 Kings 18:36

The program (crossover service) at the prayer city on the 31st December starts at 5pm. Please get there on time and the Lord be with you as you come in the name of Jesus!

The prayers we are going to pray today, you need to hold your anointing oil and pray on it as I will also pray on it.
There are plenty of prayers to pray when we get to that level. The are very strong prayers, they are potent prayers.
When David was confronting Goliath, he made one statement that people didn’t take note of. While he was saying all these (1 Samuel 17:46), Goliath was just looking at him.

I see someone here this morning that every Goliath of your father’s house shall die this day in the name of Jesus!
Though they decided to ignore, ‘that they may now know that there is a God in Israel’. That your enemies may now know that there is a God in mountain of fire and miracles ministries.

In 1 kings 18:36, in the celebrated battle at mount camel, Prophet Elijah prayed this short, acidic and concrete prayer. Prophet Elijah made that statement too, ‘that they may know there is a God in Israel’.

It is interesting to note that these two prayer warrior individuals used the description of God in their battle cry. In the first instance when David used it, Goliath fell. In the second instance when prophet Elijah used it, fire fell, the prophets of Baal fell.
I want you to key into the mystery of
My problems, hear the word of the Lord, you shall know there is a God in Israel.
The phrase ‘God of Israel’ occurred in the scriptures 230 times. The conclusion of the matter is that as you seated in today’s service, God will do something that will mesmerize your enemies today in the name of Jesus! Heaven shall use some people as scape goat to stop harassing your life in the name of Jesus!

Daddy G.O recalls a real life incident:

Remember the prophet babalola, he went to a very demonic town. One weekend when he knew that they used to hold a scary demonic masquerades festival. The great apostle went to the king of that town that he wants to hold a crusade. He said he wants to hold it on a certain date on Friday which falls on the same day for the masquerade activity. The king said ‘no, that nobody can come out that day’. The king said they before he was born, that was how they use to hold it.
The prophet insisted that the crusade will hold that day and the king replied that he should go ahead to hold the crusade, but he should not mention his name if he is asked who gave him permission to hold the crusade.
The day the crusade started, the same day the masquerades started their activity. They saw him and asked who is he. He said he is prophet babalola. They said to him that didn’t he know he’s not suppose to move around, he said the earth is the Lord and its fullness. They said again that whosoever sees them dies, the man of God responded with a smile also that whosoever sees him dies too.
They were four in number. The first person made his incantations and chants but nothing happened. The second person did the same and nothing happened.
The man of God opened his mouth and said that ‘let what happened to Koran, dathan and abiram happen to only three of these men so that the only one left will go back to tell what happened to the rest. All of a sudden the ground opened up and swallowed three of the four masquerades. The fourth person ran away to tell what happened to the other three.
They were used as scape goat, so shall your enemies be used as scape goats in the name of Jesus!
Something must happen to show that you’re serving the Living God.

That is why when you start the Prayers today, every Goliath today must know that there is a God in Israel who takes no nonsense from anyone.
Read your Bible very well, all those who threatened God’s children were destroyed.
You cannot fight the children of God without fighting against their God.
Saul was punishing the Christians on earth, but by the time God will speak, God was saying to him that why was he persecuting him.
There is no one who ever engaged in battle against God and has prospered.
Those who fought against the God of David, the God of Daniel, The God of Elijah, their God ruined them.
Those who fought against the God of Olukoya, the God of Olukoya ruined them.

Divine judgement has been hard upon those who have opposed the children of God. Ask Pharaoh, ask Nebuchadnezzar. Those who are fighting Gods children, their nakedness will be removed soon in the name of Jesus!
God has been seriously warning them, unlock the evil padlock, release those whom they have been locked as goats in their coven. This day, they shall know that there is a God in Israel.

Today, we have plenty of prayers to pray. Just know


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