The Glorious Gifts Banner features the adorable Christmas Nino, the hot Christmas Sothis, the charming couple Duo Marth (and Elice) and... the sweet Prince before he turned cray cray Zephiel!
They all look excellent and per FEH Xmas tradition they're amazing Armour Heroes!
For me the hype is immense and I already know all my orbs will be going here. I know there are other Special Heroes this month but these Christmas Heroes are exactly what I wanted in FEH!
Legion and I try and go through this mess of intense Christmas Hype to break down what we think should go on and what not!
★Fire Emblem Heroes★
I make lots of Fire Emblem Heroes videos and have been for a long time now. They're on a huge variety of things from standard things to Summons and Arena to FEH news, Hero Reviews and more! Check them out below! :D
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