
BQH Session - Abduction Story #2 - Rescued and protected by good ETs

BQH Session - Abduction Story #2 - Rescued and protected by good ETs I'm beyond excited that for the 1st time, you will be able to see what the client saw! My client is an artist and actually drew all the drawings you will see in this video! In this session, she is able to clearly see everything that happened to her. She is abducted several times by different races and is rescued from the bad ETs by people from Ehrrah (I was not given a spelling, so please listen to the video to understand exactly where they are from) because that is where she is from. The bad ETs implanted an egg in her to carry their hybrids to term but luckily she removed it surgically when it started affecting her health.

She gets to meet the different ETs that she had seen in her dreams and understand how they fit in her life.

We also get a very urgent message! We HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THE PLANET NOW! They are extremely worried about us and how much time we have left if we don't make changes. They also suggested we send light to the dark forces that are in power (even more important that sending it to earth) I have other information that also points to those leaders having protection cocoons around them, so if you decide to send light, imagine the light going through their children or grandchildren and then to them directly.

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Thank you for watching!

bqh,qhht,dolores cannon,alba weinman,alison coe,alien abduction,greys,quantum hypnosis,

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