Tips of Using Google Search Engine Effectively |
Google Search Tips & Tricks
Hello friends in this video will be discussing about
Google Search. Presently, we are using Google Search
in a very basic way and the results we are getting
are also mixed not specific. But Google has some
inbuild features that can provide you highly
accurate and specific results. So I'm going to give you some advanced tips to use Google Search effectively. These tricks can make you a Pro in
searching on Google. So without wasting time we are
going to deep dive into Google Search tricks to get
better results. These are also called Google Search
This trick will give search results from google.com only and if you will include blog or career with it then you will get the search results from respective pages of google domain.
site:google.com blog or career
This trick will show the search results similar to
3.site:google.com filetype:pdf
Living in the light filetype:pdf
This trick will show only pdf files from google domain in
the search results.
Check the status, when Google bots crawled your
5."google algorithm updates"
This search trick with double quotation marks will
give the search results on only google algorithm
6."algorithm updates" -Google
If you want to narrow the search results more by adding -Google. This google search trick exclude the pages that contain Google word in the copy.
7."algorithm updates" +Google
This search trick include the pages that contain Google
word in the copy.
8.Google or Bing
"Google" or "Bing"
Google | Bing
These search tricks will show the results related to Google or Bing.
9.Google and Bing
"Google" and "Bing"
These search tricks will show the results related to
both the terms Google and Bing.
10.google * engine
Asterisk wildcard will complete your search result
with the inclusion of forgotten word before, in middle or at last, as per requirement. It means where ever you forget the word in any search query use wildcard
11.intitle: google search updates
This will show the search results that have google
search updates in title.
12.intitle:"search engine updates" -google
These search tricks will show the results related to
search engine updates but exclude those titles that
have google in the copy.
13.intext:how google search engine works
These search tricks will show the results related to
google search engine working in the page content.
14.inanchor: google search engine
These search tricks will show the results related to
those pages that are being linked to with specific
anchor text "google search engine".
15.inurl:google trends
This search term will include those results that
have a Google trends in the URL.
16.inurl:.com "google office" "India"
This search trick will include only ".com" top-level
domain with google office India in the search results.
17.web analytics intitle:"write to us"
18.web analytics inurl:"write-for-us"
If you want to do guest posting then search the
topic followed by a write to us intitle or inurl.
19.seo intext:"Brian Dean"
If you want to read specific author then search for the topic followed by author name intext.
You can find Gmail id available within the content through different websites by this search query.
21.Suppose you want to generate backlinks in your niche website then check the search results and content relevancy before generating backlinks.
site:moz.com (results 64100) & site:moz.com SEO (results 63300)
64100/63300 = 0.98
if the value is greater than 0.50 then it's good the site to get the backlinks.
22.HashTag GoogleIndia
Search for hashtag.
23.Search image by uploading an image on the camera button in Google Images and find the image details with related images.
Get the definition of the searched term.
Find the origin of the searched word.
Google Advanced Search Tips | Google Search Operators (Hindi) | 25 Google Search Tricks to Get Better Search Results (Hindi) | Tips for Using Google Search Effectively | 25 Ways to Search More Effectively on Google |
How to Search Efficiently on Google | Google Search Tips to Use Google More Efficiently | Google Search Tricks To Change The Way of Your
Search | How to Search on Google Like A Pro | Google
Search Tricks to Get Better Results | 25 Ways to Search More Effectively on Google (Hindi)
#googlesearchtricks #mydigitech #searchoperators #effectivegooglesearch