
Why Anti-Science Dominates Congress, Media and Corporations

Why Anti-Science Dominates Congress, Media and Corporations Author Shawn Otto interviewed by on his book The War On Science: Who's Waging It, Why It Matters, What We Can Do About It

Mankind has enormously benefited from scientific advances, but science and progress are not always welcomed by political, religious and corporate leaders.

Despite living in the century of science, voters are increasingly willing to reject science and continue to elect ardently antiscientific politicians. Ironically, this is happening at a time when science is poised to create more knowledge in the next 40 years than in all of recorded history.

Science is also central to our policy challenges. Yet, less than 1% of U.S. congressmen have scientific backgrounds, which explains why global policymaking is mostly based on rhetoric rather than facts. In a complex world that requires extensive education and profound understanding, the dismissal of factual realities raises the question whether democracy can function, let alone prosper.

Science advocate and author Shawn Otto explains how science upends the status quo and challenges the present order of power and business structures. He follows the historical evolution of anti-science as an ideological force and as a catalyst for the collapse of cultures and societies.

antiscience,policymaking,democracy,U.S. Congress,scientific background,religious intolerance,evidence-based policy,conspiracy theories,disinformation campaigns,public discourse,Republican Party,

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