
Une Misère - Overlooked - Disregarded Live @ RÚV

Une Misère - Overlooked - Disregarded Live @ RÚV Dordingull Rás 2 kynnir Une Misere beint í studio A á RÚV.

Une Misère mætti í viðhafnarútgáfu Dordinguls á Rás 2 þar sem hún flutti nokkur lög af plötunni Sermon. Þetta er fyrsta breiðskífa sveitarinnar og kom hún út undir merkjum útgáfufyrirtækisins Nuclear Blast sem er eitt það stærsta innan þungarokksgeirans.

Overlooked // Disregarded

Gísli Kjaran Kristjánson, Hjörtur Svararsson og Leifur Örn Kaldal sáu um upptöku í studio.
Sky Van Hoff sá um hljóðblöndun og Marco Kollenz hljóðjafnaði.
Ljósameistar: Sigurður Grétar Kristjánsson.
Gísli Berg sá um video upptökur og Gunnar Ingi Jones sá um alla eftirvinnslu.

/ English Below /

Somewhere deep inside the aching chest of Iceland, the earth shifts, and from its cracking plates discharge the tragic sounds of 5 scorched young men whose own existence drives them to creative madness. The product of a modern age; the sonic nature of UNE MISÈRE cannot be easily defined. With an inherently heavy nature, the band sits somewhere on a vast spectrum of blackened hardcore and aggressive metal. Making their full length debut this November 1st, 2019 on Nuclear Blast Records, UNE MISÈRE are seeking to perform their darkened “SERMON” for the world.

Overlooked // Disregarded

Live audio recording: Gísli Kjaran Kristjánson, Hjörtur Svararsson og Leifur Örn Kaldal.

Mixing: Sky Van Hoff.
Mastering: Marco Kollenz.
DP: Gísli Berg.
Lights: Sigurður Grétar Kristjánsson.
Post production: Gunnar Ingi Jones.

unemisere,Une Misère,iceland,Rúv,Live,nuclearblast,

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