
Here We Have a Couple Quite Well Suited

Here We Have a Couple Quite Well Suited A twelfth anniversary poem poem about how married love can make the sacrifices of a life pursuing social change easier to bear:

Here we have a couple quite well suited
As they travel on a single path,
Pleased to share a passion deeply rooted,
Pursuing change through complementary crafts.
Yet change is never easy, and the toll
Taken over years of sacrifice
Would perhaps have far outstripped the goal,
Except that love reduced the labor’s price.
Love makes life a joy and eases toil,
Frees one to escape to happiness,
Tempers tears with sweets that else would spoil,
Heals the anguished heart with tenderness.

© by Nicholas Gordon

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Audio and Video Music: Kiss the Sky. By Aakash Gandhi. Music free to use at YouTube.

poems,poetry,anniversary poems,anniversaries,love poems,

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