
EATING DISORDERS Video 1: How is the person affected getting on?

EATING DISORDERS Video 1: How is the person affected getting on? Eating disorders are serious illnesses which must be treated. Especially young people are concerned. Video 1 gives an insight into what it is like to experience the illness and into the personal feelings of those affected. The closing credits refer to addresses of nearby consultation centres on and to BZgA’s eating disorders helpline which offers an initial consultation.
Personal declarations from counselling and treatment consultations have been provided anonymously by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Essstörungen (German Eating Disorder Society), the Bundesfachverband Essstörungen (Federal Association for Eating Disorders), the Frankfurter Zentrum für Essstörungen (Frankfurt Centre for Eating Disorders) and the information hotline of the BZgA (Federal Centre for Health Education).

Essstörungen,Eating Disorders,Anorexia,Bulimia,Binge-Eating Disorder,

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