दोस्तों इस वीडियो में मैंने आपको class 10th chapter 1st exercise 1.2 की fundamental theorem of arithmetic (अंकगणित की आधारभूत प्रमेय) को समझाया है आप इस वीडियो को जरूर देखिएगा| धन्यवाद।
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Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theorem of arithmetic, maths by brajesh, fundamental theorem
Fundamental theorem,Theorem of arithmetic,Exercise 1.2,Maths by brajesh singh,Fundamental theorem of arithmetic,Fundamental theorem of arithmetic class 10,Fundamental theorem of arithmetic proof,Fundamental theorem of arithmetic number theory,Statement of fundamental theorem of arithmetic,By brajesh singh,Mathematics,Math question,Maths problem,Theorem,Follow,