
Who Created the Internet and Why? | Philip Emeagwali | Nigerian Who Invented an Internet

Who Created the Internet and Why? | Philip Emeagwali | Nigerian Who Invented an Internet I'm Philip Emeagwali. What is Philip Emeagwali known for? My contribution is this: I invented a new internet that is a new supercomputer. On February 1, 1922, a science fiction story was published. That science fiction story described how 64,000 human computers around the world could work together to forecast the weather. Sixty-seven years after that science fiction story and at 8:15 in the morning of the Fourth of July 1989, I experimentally discovered how to harness a new internet that is a new global network of 64 binary thousand processors and how to harness them to forecast the weather
around the world.
My invention—called
practical parallel processing—
made the news headlines
around the world.
The typical news headline was:
“African Supercomputer Genius
Wins Top US Prize.”
Back in 1989, I was in the news because
I discovered
how to bring that science fiction story
that was published in 1922
to reality.

Philip Emeagwali Supercomputer

I‘m Philip Emeagwali.

The supercomputer technology
that I invented
is called parallel processing.
A new parallel supercomputer
is one that has a never-before-seen processor-to-processor configuration.
Parallel processing
enables millions upon millions
of processors
operating inside
the modern supercomputer
to communicate and compute
and to do both
as one seamless, cohesive unit
that is a virtual supercomputer.
Parallel processing
enables the supercomputer
that is powered by
one million processors
to be one million times faster than
the computer
that is powered by
only one processor.
The parallel supercomputer moves humanity forward
and into the future.
Hopefully, as we move forward
by parallel processing across
a global network of computers
around the Earth
then our children’s children
could build
their planetary-sized supercomputer
that could someday become
one and the same thing
as their Internet.
Today, parallel processing
is vital to every supercomputer manufactured
and may become vital
to every computer of the future.
I was in major newspapers because
I experimentally discovered
how and why
parallel processing makes
the modern computer faster
and makes the modern supercomputer fastest.

Inventing Philip Emeagwali Internet

Please allow me to take
a retrospective look
on how I discovered
how to program a new internet,
named the Philip Emeagwali Internet.
That new internet
is a new global network of
sixty-five thousand
five hundred and thirty-six [65,536]
or 65,536
identical computers.
I visualized those processors
as equal distances apart
and on the surface of a globe
within a sixteen-dimensional hyperspace.
I discovered
how to program that new internet
as one seamless, cohesive
whole supercomputer
that was not a computer per se
but that was a virtual supercomputer
de facto.
I discovered
how to program that new internet
as a new supercomputer
and how to email and control
my 65,536 processors
and how to do both
without seeing or touching
any of those processors.
I discovered how to program
and harness the processors
that outline and define that new internet,
and control them blindfolded.
I discovered how to divide
a grand challenge problem
into one million smaller problems
and how to solve
those one million challenging problems
at once.

Wholesale Plagiarism of the Philip Emeagwali Internet

Some scientists tried to position themselves
to take the credit for my inventions.
A few succeeded.
I have documentations
to prove the complete plagiarism
of my invention.
A parallel processed supercomputer
that has thousands of processors
encircling a globe
that I invented alone
was plagiarized
by a team of season researchers
that received United States
federal funding to do so.
I distinguish between intentional
and unintentional plagiarism.
Those researchers
stole my invention in its entirety
and did not contribute to my invention.


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Philip Emeagwali 190926 2 1+2 of 5

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