
The Caribbean: The undiscovered and attractive frontier market on the doorstep of the US

The Caribbean: The undiscovered and attractive frontier market on the doorstep of the US Kevin Burrows has over 25 years of global investing experience and also worked as senior researcher for Nobel laureate Robert Shiller at Yale before moving on to Credit Suisse. He later was CIO of London-based Nedgroup Investments directing their $1bn international multi-manager funds before becoming CIO of the Adi Dassler International Family Office where he remains a Consultant to the founding family.

As Chairman, founder and CIO of Blue Mahoe Partners, Kevin designed the first equity fund to access Caribbean stocks as an undiscovered and attractive frontier market which happens to be on the doorstep of the United States.

Based on his background as a global asset allocator, Kevin believes that the Caribbean remains overlooked and underserved by equity capital providers and that there is a clear rationale for investment as “the opportunity set is where the money hasn’t gone to yet”. Blue Mahoe also aims to provide growth capital to a select portfolio of firms in the region.

Kevin explains that the Caribbean is “more than hotels and beaches”. For example, Jamaica’s stock market is up over 230% over the last 5 years. Fiscal health of the region is improving, and behind the scenes there's a fundamental restructuring happening where businesses are scaling up efficiency and adapt new business models, offering superior investment returns.

In this Opalesque.TV BACKSTAGE video, Kevin also talks about:

*What’s actually “The Caribbean”?
*Seizing outflowing capital from Caribbean pensions and other investors
*Opportunity Set and Outlook of the Caribbean Growth Fund
*Relevance of a local presence

Blue Mahoe Partners is a privately held investment firm with experience in real estate, financial services, private equity and hedge funds, focusing on investments in the Caribbean and managing pension fund assets from the Caribbean invested in the USA.

Kevin Burrows is Chairman, Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Blue Mahoe Partners, Inc. He is also the Founding Partner and CIO of Diomedea Capital Advisors, a Bahamas-based investment advisory and consulting firm. He is the former CIO of the Adi Dassler International Family Office and remains a Consultant to the founding family.

Kevin Burrows,Blue Mahoe Partners,Adi Dassler International Family Office,Caribbean,Opalesque.TV,hedge fund videos,

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