
JAIIB | Principle and Practices of Banking | Module-E | Ethics

JAIIB | Principle and Practices of Banking | Module-E | Ethics JAIIB PPB Unit 45 - Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective (Year: 2019)
Ethics is a subject of social science that is related with moral principles and social values. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with values relating to human conduct. Specifically, that human conduct that deals with the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and the goodness and badness of the motives and outcomes of such actions.

Conseqentialist Ethical System
The key points, which actually build the structure of Conseqentialist Ethical System, are as follows:
• Principle of Utility
• Psychological Hedonism
• Types of Utilitarianism: Act Based, Rule Based, and Preference Based
• Quantitative and Qualitative Notion of Pleasure (Utility)
Based on the utilitarian account we can extract some important features for a standpoint, as follows:
• An ethical principle should be practical as well as it should take the human nature, conditions, and consequences in the account of morality
• An ethical principle should work for the general maximization of good
• An ethical principle should give importance to quality of good as well as it should take rules and preferences in the account of morality
Deontological Ethical System
The key points, which actually build the structure of deontological (Kantian) ethical system, are as follows:
• Reason: Theoretical and Practical Reason
• Apriority: Necessity and Universality
• Imperative: Categorical and Hypothetical, Supreme Moral Principle
• Good Will: Duty and Inclination
• Phenomenal World and Noumenal World
Based on the Kantian account we can extract some important features for a standpoint, as follows:
• An ethical principle should be based on objective and rational reasons
• An ethical principle should provide freedom to agent to perform the actions
• An ethical principle should treat humanity (society) as well as environment as ends in themselves
Business Ethics
JAIIB PPB Unit 45 - Ethics, Business Ethics & Banking: An Integrated Perspective (Year: 2019)
Ethics is a subject of social science that is related with moral principles and social values. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with values relating to human conduct. Specifically, that human conduct that deals with the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and the goodness and badness of the motives and outcomes of such actions.

Conseqentialist Ethical System
The key points, which actually build the structure of Conseqentialist Ethical System, are as follows:
• Principle of Utility
• Psychological Hedonism
• Types of Utilitarianism: Act Based, Rule Based, and Preference Based
• Quantitative and Qualitative Notion of Pleasure (Utility)
Based on the utilitarian account we can extract some important features for a standpoint, as follows:
• An ethical principle should be practical as well as it should take the human nature, conditions, and consequences in the account of morality
• An ethical principle should work for the general maximization of good
• An ethical principle should give importance to quality of good as well as it should take rules and preferences in the account of morality
Deontological Ethical System
The key points, which actually build the structure of deontological (Kantian) ethical system, are as follows:
• Reason: Theoretical and Practical Reason
• Apriority: Necessity and Universality
• Imperative: Categorical and Hypothetical, Supreme Moral Principle
• Good Will: Duty and Inclination
• Phenomenal World and Noumenal World
Based on the Kantian account we can extract some important features for a standpoint, as follows:
• An ethical principle should be based on objective and rational reasons
• An ethical principle should provide freedom to agent to perform the actions
• An ethical principle should treat humanity (society) as well as environment as ends in themselves
Business Ethics


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