Our company policy is quite
I am a stammerer but I am normal. I do not have any disease. Stammering is not a disease. It is just a disorder. The problem is that people consider it a disease and treat us as if we had a disease.
Stuttering or #stammering is a minor speech disorder and nothing else. This is not a disease. They have difficulty uttering some words but let them utter the words completely by themselves. Do not interrupt them or else they may feel that they cannot utter this. We have to take them out of this feeling. We should not discourage them. Amongst them are scientists, writers, professors, etc. as well. They are not less than others. Therefore, do not over sympathise with them while talking to them. Be natural as you are with others. Stammering is not contagious; rather it is caused by genes. It is caused neither by stress nor by any other psychological problem. However, these problems may exacerbate it.
It is also believed that a mischievous Jinn sits inside the body or if a child’s hair is cut before he speaks a word, it happens. These are all rumours and myths. They are unfounded.
For its treatment, a qualified speech therapist should be consulted. Similarly, verses 25 to 28 of Surah Taha should be recited after each Salah, انشاءاللہ it will benefit you.
Such people should not try to hide their stammer, rather they should openly express and face it. They need not be afraid of this because this is a trivial part of your personality and nothing else. Therefore, speak patiently. If you get stuck at a word, no calamity has befallen. Do not quit speaking rather take a pause, relax, calmly take a long breath and resume speaking