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Companies who’ve apologized to the Chinese govt/implemented their censorship

Video summary of NBA incident (0:00-1:14)


Blitzchung calls for the liberation of Hong Kong in post-game interview
Stream abruptly cut, VOD deleted

Virtual 偷米: Just say the 8 words and we can end the interview here. No need to chat more after that. Is that ok producer?

Virtual 偷米: Let's lower our heads

Blitzchung: 光復香港,時代革命!

Virtual 偷米: Ok we can come back to us now. Wow, 璁哥 Brother Chung. Was that too short? I think that's enough.

Hearthstone Grandmasters Asia-Pacific Ruling

Comments disabled, FB is on fire tho

A Chinese Taipei player in the 2018 Hearthstone Global Games was caught cheating and was DQ’d from competing in that tournament, and that was it.
He went on to compete in tourney’s immediately after

Here’s the official ruling on the above

Hearthstone rules and policies

Here are the current rules (page 10, 6.1)

Player Handbook (Page 21, 6.3 (b) i. through (e) THEN cheating Page 30, 7.11 (c))

Media and Political Backlash

Southpark ep. Band in China illustrates Chinese influence over US Media, gets banned in China

Their response

Blizzard employees stage walkout, cover “Every voice matters” and “Think Globally” signs

Countless folks cancelling their WoW subscription (replies)

r/Blizzard is a beautiful disaster

Actual politicians speaking up

Casters voicing their support of HK and subsequently quitting

Moderator of Hearthstone steps down

Tim Sweeney of Epic explicitly states that this won’t happen on his watch

Assistant coach to Dallas Fuel OWL instructed to remove tweet supporting HK

An American Uni holds up a “Free Hong Kong, Boycott Blizzard” sign during Collegiate Hearthstone event and was not banned, but then forfeited their participation in next tourney due to Blizzard’s hypocritical behavior (there’s no winning here)

Mei being made a mascot for HK, shows up in actual HK protests


League Worlds casters afraid to say Hong Kong Attitude? (OCT 5TH)
HKA owners are not pro Hong Kong

Old VODs where they say either HKA or Hong Kong Attitude but not both

Riot posts message reiterating the “no political, religious statements” rule ahead of Worlds this weekend

mikeb,fony,akamikeb,mike b aka fony,mike b,gameplay,footage,playthrough,first impressions,review,indie,indie game,early access,blitzchung,virtual,blizzard,hearthstone,blizzcon,tournament,league of legends,worlds,

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