
Augustine, On Free Choice of the Will | What A Good Will Is | Philosophy Core Concepts

Augustine, On Free Choice of the Will | What A Good Will Is  | Philosophy Core Concepts Get Augustine's On Free Choice of the Will -
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This is a video in my new Core Concepts series -- designed to provide students and lifelong learners a brief discussion focused on one main concept from a classic philosophical text and thinker.

This Core Concept video focuses on Augustine of Hippo's short work, On Free Choice of the Will, book 1, specifically on his discussion of the good will and what it consists in. For Augustine the good will in not only a will by which we strive to live rightly, in accordance with the eternal law, but also is something reflexive - that is, the good will wills to maintain itself when it has to choose between the good will and temporal goods.

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You can find the copy of the text I am using for this sequence on Augustine's On Free Choice of the Will here -

#Augustine #freewill #happiness


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